Skin Collagen Support - 60 capsules
Skin Collagen Support - 60 capsules

This is a Beyond Beauty product which means it has been sourced, tried and tested and finally declared one of the most new and innovative heroes out there. Activate your skin's collagen with this new formula. As we get older our skin loses its elasticity and production of collagen decreases. Recent advances in research propelled Advanced Nutrition Programme's nutritional experts to create a next generation formula of Skin Collagen Support. Harnessing the synergy of five ingredients, this new formula helps to build and safeguard collagen helping to maintain levels for supple, younger-looking skin. These plant-based capsules are packed with a clever cocktail of vitamin C, zinc, MSM, grapeseed extract from the Champagne region and melon concentrate which is rich in SOD (Superoxide dismutase) has over 150 studies attributed to the effectiveness of ingredients on skin. A case study on panellists showcased that 85% of individuals experienced an increase in elasticity around the eye contour area* after completing three months of using this skin supporting supplement. Suitable for all skin types and ages who seek an additional dimension to their existing supplement or anti-ageing topical regime. Particularly recommended for those exposed to pollution, stress, UV rays and restrictive diets. Suitable for both vegans and vegetarians. *IIAA internal study involving 15 people, men and women. Run over 12 weeks. (Average age 45.3) Contains 60 capsules Take two capsules daily with food or as your health professional advises. This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily intake.

46 USD

상품 상세 설명
This is a Beyond Beauty product which means it has been sourced, tried and tested and finally declared one of the most new and innovative heroes out there. Activate your skin's collagen with this new formula. As we get older our skin loses its elasticity and production of collagen decreases. Recent advances in research propelled Advanced Nutrition Programme's nutritional experts to create a next generation formula of Skin Collagen Support. Harnessing the synergy of five ingredients, this new formula helps to build and safeguard collagen helping to maintain levels for supple, younger-looking skin. These plant-based capsules are packed with a clever cocktail of vitamin C, zinc, MSM, grapeseed extract from the Champagne region and melon concentrate which is rich in SOD (Superoxide dismutase) has over 150 studies attributed to the effectiveness of ingredients on skin. A case study on panellists showcased that 85% of individuals experienced an increase in elasticity around the eye contour area* after completing three months of using this skin supporting supplement. Suitable for all skin types and ages who seek an additional dimension to their existing supplement or anti-ageing topical regime. Particularly recommended for those exposed to pollution, stress, UV rays and restrictive diets. Suitable for both vegans and vegetarians. *IIAA internal study involving 15 people, men and women. Run over 12 weeks. (Average age 45.3) Contains 60 capsules Take two capsules daily with food or as your health professional advises. This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily intake.
총 상품금액 USD


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